Parent and Family Engagement Plan 24-25
PMS Title 1 Annual Letter 24-25
PMS Title 1 Annual Letter 24-25 SPA
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Pasco Middle School is to create a learning environment to promote
Scholars that
Achieve with
Integrity and become
Lifelong learners.
Our Vision Statement
Pasco Middle School will provide every student with the opportunity to achieve his/her fullest potential while empowering them to focus on life-long learning and becoming responsible citizens.
Title I School and Families
Pasco Middle School will involve families in the development of the school’s Title I Plan and the process of school review and improvement.
Every year, Pasco Middle School will host a meeting where all parents are invited to attend. At this meeting, the principal and staff will inform the parents of the school’s participation in Title I, explain the benefits to the families, the requirements and the rights of the parents to be involved.
Parents will be invited and encouraged to meet with their student’s teachers, attend monthly SAC meetings to offer suggestions, share experiences and to participate in decisions related to the education of their student. In addition, parents will be provided a description and explanation of the curriculum and standards used at the school, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
Family Involvement Options
Families will be encouraged to partner with our school by providing a supportive home environment. Based on our school’s Parents Needs Assessment, Pasco Middle School will provide the following requested parent activities:
- Opportunities for volunteering
- Parent information workshops
- Quarterly Community Connection Nights
- Parent/Teacher/Student conferences
- School surveys to determine needs of school families
- Parent Satisfaction Evaluations for individual school events
We know that families are available on different days and different times schedules. Therefore, Pasco Middle School will accommodate our families’ schedules by providing flexible dates and times when planning family events.
Pasco Middle School is committed to provide their families consistent and timely communication. Families will be informed of school events, volunteer opportunities, and student specific information through various types of communication during the school year.
- School Messenger (phone message and email – every Friday)
- School website
- myStudent (Grades, Attendance, Test Scores, Progress Reports, & Report Cards)
- Emails
- Flyers
- School Marquee
- Social Media (Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook)
- Pirate Press – Parent Newsletter
Pasco Middle School will partner with our families using a home and school compact. The compact will specify the expectations and goals for the student, family, and school. These expectations will provide a meaningful school experience with positive student achievement.
Every year, the School Advisory Council will review and make recommendations for the Parent Involvement Plan, and the Home and School Compact. Families are encouraged to submit their feedback regarding individual school events and Parent Involvement Plan and to participate in our annual needs assessment survey.
Parents can also reach out to our School Counselor, Mr. Hunt ( or by calling our main line at (352) 524-8400.
This document will be made available to all parents annually. In carrying out the requirements of this plan, Pasco Middle School shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with children with limited English proficiency, parents with children with disabilities, and parents of migratory children. This includes providing information and school reports in a format, and to the extent practical, in a language such parents can understand.
Information will be provided in Spanish when needed. Si necisita ayuda para entender esta informacion, por favor contact a su escuela.