We have a number of courses to offer our students. We have an ensemble for students of every ability level. If you have any questions regarding which class is ideal for you, just contact Mr. Schmidt!
It is the goal of the Pasco Middle School Music Program, to create an environment, through music and the arts, that will foster, challenge, motivate, develop and demand our students to become responsible young adults. This program is dedicated to achieving excellence in our musical and educational endeavors. We believe Music combines the best of music, leadership, dedication, and maturity while still having fun.
Mr. Schmidt’s Schedule:

Beginning Band
The Beginning Band is open to all Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade students who have no previous band experience. Prior instrumental music experience is not required. The Beginning Band performs at the Winter Concert, Spring Concert, and Solo & Ensemble.

Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is for students who have already completed Beginning Band. The Symphonic Band performs at the Winter Concert, Spring Concert, MPA, Local Parades and Solo & Ensemble.

Jazz Band
Jazz Band is a new ensemble for the 2020-2021 school year. Jazz Band is a performing group designed for our 2nd and 3rd year band students who are interested in another music class. Jazz Band will perform at the Winter Concert, Spring Concert, MPA, and other various events throughout the school year.

Chorus provides students a musical and emotional outlet to develop their talents and explore singing in a group.