Hello Pirates, this is your principal, Ms. Gilbert, at Pasco Middle School with information and our calendar of events for next week.

Next week is the end of quarter 3 and Friday is Teacher Planning Day so there will be no school for students. Also, don’t forget to move your clocks forward one hour on Sunday as we Spring Ahead!

The Pirate Press Parent Newsletter is posted on our school website and social media sites for this week and contains additional important information. The information with the days below is a highlight of events for the upcoming week. Please make sure you review the Pirate Press Parent Newsletter every week.

Link to the newsletter:  https://secure.smore.com/n/1dnrp

Monday and Tuesday track tryouts will be from 1:35-3:00p. Wednesday and Thursday, track practice will be from 1:35-3:00p. 

Friday there is no school and it is the first day of Spring Break for students. School will resume on Monday, March 24th

Have a great weekend!