Welcome to our Pirate Press Newsletter
Each week, we put out a newsletter filled with the most relevant and up-to-date information for parents.
Click on the Week Ahead newsletter blurb to the right to find the link to our most updated newsletter. —->
PMS Week Ahead Messages
The Week Ahead March 7, 2025
Next week is the end of quarter 3 and Friday is Teacher Planning Day so there will be no school for students. Also, don’t forget to move your clocks forward one hour on Sunday as we Spring Ahead!
The Week Ahead February 28, 2025
Quarter 3 is swiftly coming to an end – there are two weeks left for students to complete anything they may be missing or correct any grades that need improvement. 8th graders that are planning to go to Gradventure need to make payment by Friday, March 7th.
The Week Ahead February 21, 2025
Our campus security fencing project has a start date of February 28th, which means you and your children will begin to notice the changes I’ve been mentioning all year with drop-off and pick-up patterns and access points to campus.
The Week Ahead February 13, 2025
Our campus security fencing project has a start date of February 28th, which means you and your children will begin to notice the changes I’ve been mentioning all year with drop-off and pick-up patterns and access points to campus. Please pay close attention to construction signs and additional messaging in the coming weeks.

Scholastic Book Fair April 7th – 11th
Pasco Middle School is proud to announce our spring Scholastic Book Fair and Spring Fling! April 7th – 11th during school hours (7:10 – 1:30 pm) and on April 10th during our “Spring Fling”! Help us reach our goal of putting 350 books in the hands of our kids! Your students can visit with their classed, during their lunches and with their parents during the Spring Fling on April 10th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Oh, and you can shop our fair online at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/pascomiddleschool
The Week Ahead February 7, 2025
This week we started experimenting with a new initiative to encourage students to get to class on time as well as to combat occurrences of skipping. When students are found to be deliberately tardy or skipping class, they will spend five minutes participating in Earth Patrol on campus. Earth Patrol is geared toward making sure that items that don’t belong in nature are gathered and thrown away.

Gradventure Universal Orlando!
Don’t wait… don’t hesitate… get your Gradventure tickets today!
The Week Ahead January 31, 2025
We have been talking to the student body daily about respecting our school grounds. Food trash, among other garbage, is left in the most odd places throughout the day. We are positive that your children are not allowed to leave garbage all over the place at home, nor are they probably allowed to throw milk and juice at windows and walls, and we would really appreciate that not happening at school as well.

Attention 8th Grade Families: It’s baby picture time!
Attention 8th Grade Families: It’s baby picture time! E-Mail 1 picture of your student along with his/her name to Ms. Borders jborders@pasco.k12.fl.us before February 21st.
The Week Ahead January 24, 2025
The Pirate Press Parent Newsletter is posted on our school website and social media sites for this week and contains additional important information. The information with the days below is a highlight of events for the upcoming week. Please make sure you review the Pirate Press Parent Newsletter every week.