Step 1: Log in or Create a myStudent Parent Portal
Log in or Create a myStudent Parent Portal . You can access your child’s grades, view their schedule, monitor attendance, and pay fees by creating an account and ensuring your address and emergency contact information is up to date. Additionally, download the myStudent app to your phone or device.
Step 2: Pay School Fees
Pay School Fees: Activate your Parent Portal Account by selecting
“Activate Account” on the screen. Enter the email address associated with your myStudent account
and select “Send Email” which generates an email to activate the account. Go to your email and select the link. Continue by creating your password. Once this is completed, you will be able to see the school fees based on your student’s courses and any other fees as needed.
Free/Reduced Application
The 2023-2024 Free and Reduced Meal Application is now available at Currently, all students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch, regardless of their eligibility status. However, we still strongly encourage you to complete a new meal application if your household still qualifies. Schools receive a portion of their funding based off the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. To review the eligibility guidelines and complete an application, please visit
*Medications for the clinic can be dropped off by appointment only! Call: 352-524-8400
Please call 352-524-8400 if you have questions