Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Hello Pirates, this is your principal Ms. Gilbert, at Pasco Middle School with information and our calendar of events for next week.

Next week we begin administering the FAST Assessment. Student attendance is of the utmost importance so that they can test in their typical environment. Please assist us in ensuring that your students are well rested and on time for school!

There will also be Free Sports Physicals tomorrow from 9am-12noon at Pasco High School for any student wanting to participate in athletics at Pasco Middle or Pasco High School next year.

The Pirate Press Parent Newsletter is posted on our school website and social media sites for this week and contains additional important information. The information with the days below is a highlight of events for the upcoming week. Please make sure you review the Pirate Press Parent Newsletter every week.

Link to the newsletter:

Monday through Thursday there is spring football conditioning from 1:35-3:00pm.

Friday is the Gradventure field trip for 8th graders. We will be leaving campus at 2:00pm and will return around 2:00am.

Have a great weekend!