Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Hello Pirates, this is your principal Ms. Gilbert, at Pasco Middle School with information and our calendar of events for next week.

Our 8th grade promotion ceremonies are being held on May 22nd.  We wanted to make you aware that there has been a change to our promotion procedures per district directive, as this will impact the timeliness of attending your child’s promotion event. Recently, our district has updated security procedures for parents attending on-campus events during the school day.  Any guest in attendance must be signed into our school’s security system.  To avoid, extremely long lines, please go to our Pasco Middle School website, our Facebook or Instagram, or the Pirate Press and click on the link to the form for the Promotion Ceremony, and pre-register all guests that will be attending.

For each of your maximum of 2 guests that will be in attendance, you must provide first name, last name and date of birth.  We are expecting large numbers attending the ceremony this year, and cannot guarantee that all guests that do not complete the form online in advance will be on time to the ceremony. To pre-register, please complete the online form no later than Friday, May 19th by 2:30pm. Parking for the promotion ceremony will be in the North Field. If you have pre-registered, then you will receive a pass at our school’s auditorium entrance. Those that do not pre-register will be standing in line at our main office to receive security clearance. For those that do not pre-register, please be advised that we cannot guarantee that you will be on time and seated prior to your child’s promotion ceremony. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we keep our campus safe and secure.

We are looking forward to celebrating your children!

The Pirate Press Parent Newsletter is posted on our school website and social media sites for this week and contains additional important information. The information with the days below is a highlight of events for the upcoming week. Please make sure you review the Pirate Press Parent Newsletter every week.

Link to the newsletter:

Monday through Thursday there is spring football conditioning from 1:35-3:00pm.

Wednesday we will have our AVID End of Year Celebration Night at 6:00pm in the Auditorium.

Thursday we have our 8th Grade Dance from 6:00-8:30pm at the Dade City Woman’s Club and Friday our 8th graders will enjoy a field day and cookout.

Have a great weekend, and Happy Mother’s Day!