Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Hello Pirates, this is your principal Ms. Gilbert, at Pasco Middle School with information and our calendar of events for next week.

Next week we are celebrating Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Please take a moment to reach out to a staff member who has positively impacted your child throughout their time at Pasco Middle.

State testing is also continuing next week, so please ensure your child is rested and ready to show their best effort! We are already hearing students talk about how their scores have increased and how they are excited about the growth they have shown! We are proud of the progress being made!

The Pirate Press Parent Newsletter is posted on our school website and social media sites for this week and contains additional important information. The information with the days below is a highlight of events for the upcoming week. Please make sure you review the Pirate Press Parent Newsletter every week.

Link to the newsletter:

Monday through Thursday there is spring football conditioning from 1:35-3:00pm.

Wednesday we will have our 8th grade Cambridge Awards Night at 6:00pm in the Auditorium.

Thursday our FFA Chapter is holding an Awards Banquet at 6:30pm in the Ag classroom.

Have a great weekend!